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主题最新回顾(发布时间:2006-6-13 13:11:00)

主题最新回顾(发布时间:2006-6-5 9:49:00)
--  作者:鬼笔环肽

主题最新回顾(发布时间:2006-6-4 23:27:00)
--  作者:haojie0506



主题最新回顾(发布时间:2006-3-28 22:25:00)
哇塞!EQPIP2 好厉害!

主题最新回顾(发布时间:2006-3-16 10:20:00)
--  作者:equip2

R&D 100奖被Chicago Tribune称作发明界的奥斯卡

卡尔·蔡司显微镜部曾以荧光显微技术方案 Apotome,激光共聚焦显微镜 LSM 510 META 以及显微反差技术 PlasDIC 三度荣获 R&D 100 奖项。

主题最新回顾(发布时间:2006-3-15 21:05:00)

主题最新回顾(发布时间:2006-2-22 9:54:00)
--  作者:equip2


LSM 5 LIVE DuoScan

Visions get moving – now with even greater sensitivity, and with photomanipulation in any regions of the image. The LSM 5 LIVE gives scientists working in life sciences a confocal system that helps them to better understand processes in living cells, and to gain a deeper insight into cellular interaction mechanisms. Specifications System Overview We make it visible. Models Upright: Axio Imager Z.1, Axioskop 2 FS MOT; Inverted: Axiovert 200 M RP (Rear Port) or SP (Side Port) Z drive DC motor with optoelectronic coding, smallest increment 25 nm; fast fine focusing solutions as accessories (stage or objective focus with piezo drive); total range approx. 250 µm XY stage (option) Motorized XY scanning stage, with Mark & Find (XYZ) and Tile Scan (mosaic scan) functions, smallest increment 1 µm Accessories Digital microscope camera AxioCam, integration of incubation chambers, micromanipulators, etc. Models One or two confocal detection channels Scanner One galvanometric scanning mirror for ultra-high-speed scanning, optional second scanning mirror for positioning of zoom region Scanning resolution Up to 1.05 Mpixels, also continuously adjustable for several channels Scanning speed Adjustable, up to 120 frames/s at 512 x 512 pixels, faster modes for smaller formats (505 frames/s at 512 x 100 pixels; 1010 frames/s at 512 x 50 pixels); ultra-high-speed line scan mode with > 60 000 lines/s Scanning zoom 0.5x to 2.0x, optical, free XY offset (depending on configuration) Scanning field 18 mm diagonal field (max.) in intermediate image plane with homogeneous illumination Confocal aperture Individually adjustable for each detection channel Detection Up to two confocal channels for fluorescence, with high-sensitivity detectors; transmitted light brightfield mode possible Data depth Selectable between 8 or 12 bits VIS laser module Polarization-preserving single-mode fiber, acousto-optical intensity control (temperature-stabilized); switching time < 5 µs; all lasers in maintenance-free diode or solid-state technology; diode laser 405 nm/50 mW, alternatively 440 nm/15 mW; diode laser 488 nm/100 mW; diode pumped solid-state laser 532 nm/75 mW, diode laser 635 nm/35 mW LSM 5 LIVE Realtime electronics control of microscope, laser modules, scanning modules and other accessories Computer High-end PC with practical RAM and harddisk capacity or top-end PC with ample RAM and ultra-high-speed RAID 0 harddisk system; ergonomic, high-resolution flat-panel monitors 19" (4:3) or 24" (16:10), numerous accessories; Windows XP operating system for multi-user operation Microscopes Scanning modules Laser modules Electronics modules

主题最新回顾(发布时间:2006-2-22 9:27:00)
--  作者:equip2


主题最新回顾(发布时间:2006-2-21 23:34:00)
--  作者:equip


主题最新回顾(发布时间:2006-2-21 15:12:00)
--  作者:equip2
--  蔡司显微镜第四次荣获“创新发明之奥斯卡奖”
蔡司显微镜第四次荣获 R&D 所颁发的奖项
LSM 5 LIVE – 共聚焦活细胞成像系统被授予“创新发明之奥斯卡奖”
卡尔·蔡司在 2005 年以激光共聚焦显微镜 LSM 5 LIVE 毫无意外地再次获得 R&D 100 奖项。LSM 5 LIVE 开创了一种新型的光学理念,其开发特别针对于活细胞样品快速反应进程的实时研究 ,将共聚焦荧光显微技术带入了新纪元。此年度奖项由美国 R&D 杂志评选颁发,旨在突出介绍当年世界最具影响意义的 100 项科技产品。R&D 拥有 90000 份月发行量,是美国科研界的主流杂志。
于 2004 年 10 月问世的共聚焦活细胞成像系统 LSM 5 LIVE 独一无二地将扫描速度,成像质量以及灵敏性完美的结合在一起。并籍此赋予科学家在细胞过程观测中一个与众不同的视角。其每秒可截取最多 120 张高质量 512 x 512 像素的共聚焦图片,约相当于以往任何共聚焦系统的二十倍。该仪器的光学理念完全是为了生物活细胞研究而度身订造。通过精密的光学技术,创造性的分光理念以及新颖的光路空间设计,LSM LIVE 将帮助您实现荧光应用中所能想象到的极限。
此前,卡尔·蔡司显微镜部曾以荧光显微技术方案 Apotome,激光共聚焦显微镜 LSM 510 META 以及显微反差技术 PlasDIC 三度荣获 R&D 100 奖项。而对于整个蔡司公司来说,这已经是第 13 次了。该奖项将于 2005年10月20日 在芝加哥颁发。

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