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蜀枫2010 发表于:2012-6-6 18:01:00
在麦迪逊的国际市场营销总监Kary Staples说,“我们的业务正在重新调整...在某些罗氏能够成为强的竞争者的领域,我们选择参与竞争。”
但罗氏不会出售股份,离开麦迪逊。序列捕获技术的研发将继续在麦迪逊进行。Kary Staples说,“研发、制造和销售还将留在这儿,一个创新团队——罗氏应用科学部将建立。该团队由 NimbleGen的早期员工之一Tom Albert领导,团队目标是为生命科学市场研发新的、颠覆性技术。”
1999年,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的科学家Michael Sussman、Franco Cerrina遗传学教授Fred Blattner及其学生Roland Green开发了一种更快、更便宜的制作基因芯片的方法,随后创建了NimbleGen公司,NimbleGen在美国麦迪逊、冰岛及德国均有研究基地。
不过,从那时起,生物技术产业已经历了许多变化。基因芯片是“一个极具竞争力的领域。但Roche NimbleGen一直是一个小的竞争者,”Kary Staples说。
Kary Staples说,“罗氏将提供优厚的裁员补偿,并且鼓励员工应聘罗氏公司其他职位。”
去年10月,罗氏出售了另一家麦迪逊生物技术Roche Madison,这家公司是罗氏2008年购买的。Roche Madison曾是Mirus Bio Corp的一部分,现在是Arrowhead Research Corp.公司的一部分。
Roche NimbleGen to Quit Array Market, Layoff Majority of Staff, Close European Facilities

Roche has decided to shutter its NimbleGen microarray business, and will phase out array production and services by the end of the year. At the same time, the firm will continue to provide target enrichment products for use with next-generation sequencing, a spokesperson confirmed this week.

As part of the restructuring, most current Roche NimbleGen employees will lose their jobs. The spokesperson told BioArray News that 44 out of the company's 100 staffers at its headquarters in Madison, Wis., will be laid off by year end, while all 76 positions at the company's facilities in Iceland and Germany will be eliminated.

The spokesperson did not explain Roche's decision to exit the array market or what would become of the company's array-related assets, other than saying that the firm has "decided to concentrate ... on sequence capture." But she confirmed that the company is the number four player in the global array market in terms of sales, behind Illumina, Affymetrix, and Agilent Technologies.

Kary Staples, director of international marketing at Roche NimbleGen, was quoted in a Wisconsin Business Journal article as saying that the array market is an "extremely competitive field" and that Roche NimbleGen has "always been a smaller player in that." He added that Roche has decided to refocus on areas where it can "be a strong player."

Staples did not return an e-mail seeking additional comment. But the Roche spokesperson confirmed the content of the WBJ article, in which it was noted that Roche will maintain R&D, manufacturing, and marketing staff in Madison, and that it has tapped Tom Albert, a former NimbleGen Systems executive, to lead a team to develop new technologies for the life sciences market.

NimbleGen Systems was founded in 1999 based on technology developed at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. The firm planned an initial public offering of stock in 2007, but Roche bought NimbleGen for $272.5 million before it could go public ((BAN 6/26/2007)).

It is unclear what impact Roche's decision to exit the array market will have on its service providers and customers. The company also provides arrays for a number of partners, such as PerkinElmer's Signature Genomic Laboratories, which uses its comparative genomic hybridization arrays in its cytogenetic testing services.

Lisa Shaffer, chief scientific officer of PerkinElmer's molecular diagnostics business and cofounder of Signature, declined to comment on Roche's decision to exit the market.

[此贴子已经被作者于2012-6-6 18:08:28编辑过]
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