Item 名称 及编号
clean bench (laminar flow) 平面单面双人超净台
哈尔滨 HD-136
autoclave (laboratory sized, big volume, about 100 l)高压灭菌锅(大体积)上海嘉纳文化用品(有)产 上海稼丰园艺(有)销
autoclave (small size, volume10-20 l) 高压灭菌锅(小体积)
Water purifying system (reverse osmosis, laboratory sized)纯水系统
德国Sartorius arium系列
replacement cartridges for item 4 可置换膜柱
laboratory cooking device with magnetic stirring 磁力搅拌器
Jouan S.A. 法捷安集团(有)
analytical precision balance (0.01 mg) 微量精密分析天平
德Sartoriums MC210S
laboratory balance (1 g-10 kg)实验天平
爱华 ACA-6B (6000g/1g)
adjustable hand-held precision pipette (0.1-5 ml) 微量可调移液器
hand-held precision pipette (1 ml)移液器(1ml)德Brand
hand-held precision pipette (5 ml)移液器(5ml) 德Brand
replacement tips for items 9,10 and 11 (1 ml) 1000ulTip
replacement tips for items 9,10 and 11 (5 ml) 5000ulTip
laboratory gas burner 火立得(Instaflame)
electric vacuum pump电子真空泵
德 vaccubrand
exiccator (glass vessel for applaying vacuum, vol. 5 l) 德 vaccubrand
silica gel (1 kg package) 硅胶
Nalgene 华粤企业(有) 销
lockable laboratory cabinet for chemicals 药品试剂放置柜
移门式 1200 x 400 x 1800 上海荣拓实验设备(有)中央式
laboratory cabinet for glass vessels 实验玻璃器皿柜
laboratory table with drawers带屉实验台
laboratory working table with resistible surface (approx. 3 m long)抗腐蚀实验台(约3米长)同上
laboratory chairs with castors 带轮座椅
laboratory oven (hot-air system) 实验室烤箱(热气式)
microwave oven微波炉
erlenmeyer vessels (wide neck, 250 ml)
erlenmeyer vessels (wide neck, 500 ml)
laboratory glass cup (wide form, 50 ml) 28-32项 烧杯 Nalgene
laboratory glass cup (wide form, 100 ml) 华粤企业(有) 销
laboratory glass cup (wide form, 250 ml)
laboratory glass cup (wide form, 500 ml)
laboratory glass cup (wide form, 1000 ml)
laboratory thermometer 实验室温度计
vacuum fritte (for sterilizing seeds)
vacuum hose (15 m)
steel spathulate spoon (narrow tip) 钢勺(细瓢)
steel spathulate spoon (meadium tip) 钢勺 (中瓢)
incubation tool with steel loop
laboratory forceps (long)
laboratory forceps (medium)
laboratory swissors (short) 实验室剪刀(短)
laboratory swissors (medium) 实验室剪刀(中长)
petri dishes (glass, 10 cm diameter) 盘(玻璃, 直径10cm)
surgery knife (full steel) 手术刀
Duran laboratory bottle for chemicals (50 ml) 试剂瓶45-49
Duran laboratory bottle for chemicals (100 ml) 德国 Duran-Schott
Duran laboratory bottle for chemicals (250 ml) 北京科域彩虹科
Duran laboratory bottle for chemicals (500 ml) 技(有)
Duran laboratory bottle for chemicals (1000 ml)
laboratory climate control cabinet人工气候箱 德MMM
horizontal laboratory shaker for tissue cultures 组培用平面摇震器
laboratory pH-meter 实验室用酸度计 日本 DKC-TOA HM-306
replacement probe for item 52
service kit for pH-meter (calibration device, refill for probe)
laboratory conductivity meter
laboratory microscope (up to magnification x1000) 实验室显微镜
1000 倍
photoadapter for item 56
accessory kit for item56 (immersion oil, tools)
stereo microscope (zoom magnification)
共计 元total (RMB)