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equip 发表于:2006-7-31 21:41:00


* Gluten Tester comes with 3 parts:
1- washing unit
2- centrifugal force unit
3-drying unit
4-Automatic equipment
5- possibility of testing the gluten in grinding the whole wheat , semolina wheat & bio gluten
6- 220 volts - 50 MHz
* Magnetic Stirrer with heater:
1- 4-5 hot plates
2- each plate has a special switch key & motor.
3- possibility of controlling stirring speed
4- hot plate temp not less than 300 C with separate key
5- RPM 1200
6- surface area not less than 9x9 inches and not more 13x13 inches
7- with magnetic stirrers
8- surface from porcelain or stainless steel
9- 220 v 50 MHz
10- 8 bars 5 cm
11- 8 bars 2.5 cm
* Autoclave:
1- Capacity 50-55 liters
2- Timer from 0 to 200 min
3-Temperature indicator unit - Temp from 60 to 132 C
4-Maximum pressure from 0 to 1.9 KGF/CM2
5- Inner & outer walls & heater made from stainless steel
6- with 2 stainless steel baskets
7- no water connections needed
8- Over load protection against Temp & pressure or water shortage
9- with Alarm after sterilization is completed or error function
10- with container for vapor condensation
11- 220 volts 50 MHz
* WaterBath:
1-4 separate units bath
2- made from Stainless steel
3- with rings in each unit
4- Temp.control switch for every unit
5- water drainage systems
6-Inner capacity 1.5 - 2 liters
7-water heating up to 220 c
8- 220 volts 50 MHz
* WaterBath:
1- contains 2 units
2- Temp.indicator or Mercury Thermometer
3- contains Tape for drainage water
4- contains unit for adding for lost water
5- Controlling area of rings
6-Inner capacity 2-3 liters
7- Made from Stainless Steel
8- Contains Holder
9- Each unit contains control key & Temp control
10- Timer to control working time
11- 220 Volts 50 MHz
* Test Tube Mixer :
1-for shaking the tubes
2- Shaking Speed control unit up to 1800 RPM
3- Rubber container diameter from 5 to 10 cm with ability in putting different tubes sizes
4- 220 volts 50 MHz
* Drying Oven:
Interior Capacity 30-50 liters
Temp range up to 300 C
working on 220 volts - 50 MHz
number of shelves 1 or 2 stainless steel
digital display
supported with timer programmer to 24 hrs.
* Zeiss Tester for measuring of refractor/deflector index:
1- contains 2 prisms for measuring refractor/deflector index
2- prisms connected with telescope eye lens
3- connected with heater to reach 40 C
4- Thermometer to know when the Temp reaches 40 degrees
* Digital Carpet pile thickness Gauge:
Range from 0-30 mm
Accuracy from 0.01 mm
Portable (if possible)
Supply all accessories needed for work.
With Authentic Calibration Certificate
As per Standards E.S 2441/2005
ISO 10834/1992
* Digital Pneumatic stiffness tester:
Bending Circles of Samples
Made from Stainless Steel
Base with Filter regulator
Record of the highest power used
With control to be attached with compressor.
With digital counter to measure force till 50 Kgs
With all accessories needed for work
Electrical Power 220 Volts , 50/60 HZ
With Authorize Calibration Certificate
As per Standard ASTM D4032
* Water Bath:
Capacity 1 liter
Temperature from 0 to 100 C
Temperature control indicator
with Holder & bearer
with cover of rings from which you can control the opening diameters
Made from Stainless steel
with a method for water in/out
with unit control for working time
overload protection
Supply all accessories needed for work
Electrical Power 220 Volts , 50/60 HZ
With Authorize Calibration Certificate
* Ph meter:
PH Reads from 0 to 14
temp. from 0 to 100 C
screen for ph & temp.
Accuracy from 0.01 PH
Supply all accessories needed for work
Electrical Power 220 Volts , 50/60 HZ
2 electrode for PH extra temp
With Authorize Calibration Certificate
* Drying Oven:
Capacity 30 liters
Temp. from 20 to 250 C
with 2 shelves
Made from Stainless steel
Ability in Temp.control
Supply all accessories needed for work
With Authorize Calibration Certificate
Electrical Power 220 Volts , 50/60 HZ
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-1 7:56:48编辑过]
equip 发表于:2006-7-31 21:45:00


LINAN9348 发表于:2006-8-1 9:12:00
equip 发表于:2006-8-1 12:05:00
以下是引用LINAN9348在2006-8-1 9:12:51的发言: 你能不能留给联系方式或者是和我们联系


yyzhang 发表于:2006-8-1 15:11:00


广州洁特生物过滤制品有限公司 是加拿大杰特生化制品国际公司在中国的子公司,专门从事细胞培养瓶(板、皿)、酶标板、过滤器和移液管等实验室一次性耗材中高端产品研发、分装和销售的高新技术公司。公司创办人袁建华董事长长期留学美国,他和他的同事们正在为使公司成为中国的生物医学实验室一次性高端耗材的主要供应商而努力。


Guangzhou JET Bio-filtration,Co. Ltd,which was invested by Canada JET Biochemicals Int’l.,Inc. in China,is a High-Tech enterprise engaged in research and development,manufacturing and sales of disposable bio-medical devices,such as flasks,plates and dishes for tissue culture,ELISA plate,syringe-driven and vacuum-driven filters and serological pipette. President Jian H.Yuan,the founder of the company who works in USA for a long time,and his collogues are making their best efforts for a dream to make the company becoming a leader supplier of high-section of disposable bio-medical materials and devices in China.





hxianyu 发表于:2006-8-2 11:03:00

超声图像管理系统 内窥镜图像管理系统 X线图像管理系统
CT图像管理系统 病理图像管理系统 PACS影像管理系统


专业数码凝胶成像与分析系统 荧光图像分析系统
染色体图像分析系统 骨髓细胞图像分析系统 纤维检测图像分析系统
材料学图像分析系统 粒度图像分析系统 蛋白核酸检测系统



江苏省捷达科技发展有限公司是省属股份制企业,是由江苏省科委认定,以南京大学为依托,专业从事医学影像处理与分析,集研发、生产销售、服务为一体,具有自主知识产权的高新技术企业。 捷达公司成立于1995年,依托南京大学雄厚的技术实力,具有一支较强的专业化高技术人才队伍。秉承多年来积累的丰富经验,产品不断升级和多元化。先后成功研发出JD100系列—JD801系列等产品。目前,JD801系列影像分析系统新一代产品,具有功能多、准确可靠、自动化程度高,且操作快捷方便,易于掌握等特点,几乎涵盖各个领域(生物学、医学、化工、环保、农林、冶金、材料、气象、摩擦学等)研究、教学和检验所必需。是专家学者的研究得力助手。其产品已达到国际先进水平。用户遍及全国各地,并受到广大用户的一致好评。 捷达科技公司按照现代企业制度组建。公司下设有研发中心、技术支持中心、市场销售部、售後服务部、行政财务综合部五个部门。 捷达科技公司确立“人才是根本,管理是关键”理念。高新技术企业99%的价值是无形资产,这些资产都是人的头脑创造的。团结和聚集人才是我们永恒的追求;清晰的产权是我们团结的基础;共同的理想是我们奋进的动力;先进的管理模式是我们成功的保障。我们坚信,通过捷达人的不懈努力,及全国广大同仁的关心和支持,一定能将更丰富的捷达系列产品服务于社会,满足用户不断增长的需求。与我们的用户一起进步,不断开拓创新,为中国的科技发展做出贡献,并以稳健的步伐迈向世界。

一个人的王朝 发表于:2006-8-2 12:50:00


equip 发表于:2006-8-2 13:57:00


equip 发表于:2006-8-4 0:11:00


TTL 发表于:2006-8-4 8:34:00
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