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----  蔡司激光共聚焦显微镜LSM 5 DUO 第五次获得R&D 100大奖  (http://bbs.bio-equip.com/dispbbs.asp?boardid=3&id=22831)

--  发布时间:2006-7-31 21:48:00
--  蔡司激光共聚焦显微镜LSM 5 DUO 第五次获得R&D 100大奖

Carl Zeiss Microscopy Receives Fifth Consecutive R&D 100 Award LSM 5 DUO – the Laser Scanning Microscope Awarded the “Oscar of Inventions”.

Morris Plains, NJ / Jena, Germany – July 2006. With its LSM 5 DUO Laser Scanning Microscope, Carl Zeiss Microscopy is once again one of the winners of the much-coveted R&D 100 Award. This is the fifth time in a row that Carl Zeiss Microscopy has received this award, three for the LSM 5 family alone. The LSM 5 DUO system – a new combination of the LSM 510 META and LSM 5 LIVE confocal laser scanning microscopes which have already won several awards – enables an unparalleled variety of experiments in biomedical research. It is now possible to observe extremely demanding specimens such as living cells with fast dynamic processes in detail. Launched in November 2005, the system combines all the current high-end technologies of confocal microscopy in a single workstation.

With a monthly circulation of 90,000 copies, the US R&D Magazine presents the award to the 100 most important technical products launched every year around the world.

With the LSM 5 DUO, Carl Zeiss underscores its global claim to technological leadership in the field of high end microscope systems for biomedical research and clinical laboratories. Dr. Norbert Gorny, Member of the Executive Board of Carl Zeiss AG, sees the award as a confirmation of Carl Zeiss’ innovation strategy. "The fact that we have once again won this award proves that Carl Zeiss is on the right track to achieving a leading position on future markets around the globe with innovative products." Dr. Ulrich Simon, President and CEO of Carl Zeiss MicroImaging GmbH, explains the Carl Zeiss microscopy strategy as follows: "Our developments focus not only on the high-quality imaging of the objects and processes to be examined, but also on systematically influencing the specimens with light. The resulting specimen reactions provide researchers with in-depth insights into the causes of diseases. The award-winning LSM 5 DUO allows optical specimen manipulation and demanding microscopic observation with one and the same microscope for the first time. “The mission of the Carl Zeiss Microscopy Group,“ continues Dr. Simon, “is to provide our customers with tools that enable them to perform their tasks more quickly, efficiently and successfully."

The LSM 5 DUO marks the 14th time that Carl Zeiss has won the R&D 100 Award. The award will be presented in Chicago on October 19, 2006.

Phot The LSM 5 DUO Laser Scanning microscope is the optimum solution for multi-user laboratories and extremely demanding specimens. It combines all the current high-end technologies of confocal microscopy, thus offering unparalleled versatility.